Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Day 2 reportage #NewGenDesign16

Embracing the cold, windy, wet weather of Manchester I decided to draw outside on location until it got difficult to add a mark to the paper.

Waiting in the reception area at the co-op building to go to Pomona Island

Workshop collaboration at Insitu Architectural Salvage with MMU students and ArtEZ

Olympic Parade #GBHEROESMCR

Manchester Olympic Parade 17/10/16

A drawing of the Manchester Olympic Parade, trying to capture the moment before it poured down with heavy rain, in true manchester spirit, celebrating the victory of the Olympians at Rio 2016. 

A4 drawing 
Fine liner drawing on location, digitally added flat colour on photoshop
Outside Exchange square

Day 1 reportage #NewGenDesign16

I spent the day at "New Generation" conference held at the Co-op building drawing and capturing moments during the symposium and workshops.

Observational drawings all drawn at the event